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Posted by Tom Alexander on April 27th, 2022

A Beautiful City With A Population Of One Million Souls.

After an amazing cross walk and combat prayer time in San Francisco, Jeanette and I headed for San Jose, about 45 minutes from the City By The Bay. This would be my second time cross walking and praying for San Jose and its one million residents, and I looked forward to revisiting a city I had ministered to many times throughout the 14-years we had lived in the Bay area.

Many believers live in San Jose, and this was apparent as I parked Go-Ye-Mobile-2 and began unloading the 10-foot, 60-pound cross. I take my time unloading the cross because people are always curious as to what I’m doing.


The Young Man Liked The Signs On Go-Ye-Mobile-2 And Especially The “JESUS IS THE LOVE OF GOD Banner.

“That’s a big cross!” A pleasant voice filled the air. “Yes it is,” I replied as I looked at the young man who had stopped to talk. “Going to pray for San Jose,” I shared. The young man nodded. “That’s so cool. Thank you for doing that.” We talked for a couple of minutes. I handed him the special 2-sided tracts made for this special cross walk. “God loves all the people living in San Jose. Praying for Great Revival to spread across the entire city.” The young man smiled. “We sure need it!” I agreed. “Yes, every city needs it!” I answered.

He waved good-by and went on his way, reading the tracts I had given him as he walked. I headed for my first destination: City Hall. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by Tom Alexander on April 21st, 2022

From mid-1978 to 1982 I was Executive Director of This San Francisco-based Men’s Center And Saw Hundreds Of Men Receive New Life In Christ!

After cross walking and praying long and hard at Sacramento and the state Capitol Mall, we headed for San Francisco, a city Jeanette and I were very familiar with. In 1978 I had accepted the Executive Director position at San Francisco Teen Challenge Men’s Center after working as Associate Director for Kern County (Bakersfield) Teen Challenge for three and one-half years.

For another three and one half years I worked alongside a great team of men dedicated to helping drug addicts and other troubled individuals completely give up drugs and discover a brand new life in Christ Jesus!

In November 2015 I had brought the large cross to San Francisco and prayed long and hard for Great Revival, Great Awakening and Great Godly Sorrow Leading to Genuine Repentance to break out among the city’s 875,000 souls.


It Really Came As No Surprise That Many Individuals Were Happy To See The Large Cross Hoisted Up At City Hall, As Well As Hearing My Loud And Long Prayer For San Francisco.

Seven years later, here I was again! As I walked the cross to my destination (City Hall), memories from the past filled my mind.

Although I didn’t have the time to visit the Teen Challenge Center, pleasant thoughts and memories flashed across my mind. The street I was walking on was very familiar, and I remembered the special times our street ministry had ministered to the individuals living in this area, as well as other Districts comprising San Francisco. Back then, souls came to Jesus often as we shared God’s Good News In Christ and handed out tracts.

And now, as I headed toward the huge City Hall structure, I wondered what the response would be. In 2015 the response had been amazing. Seven years later, the answer to my pondering was swift.

People came up and asked for prayer. Individuals smiled big as they passed by. Security officers nodded in agreement as I prayed long and loud for the city’s 875,000 souls. And the presence of the LORD feltĀ  powerful and near-at-hand. The area around me seemed surrounded by a large invisible bubble shield of divine protection.

And yet…there was also an evil presence that seemed desperate to burst past the bubble shield and disrupt the combat prayer going up for this International city. Though response was very positive, an underlying demonic presence caught my attention and my prayer turned toward rebuking the Satanic forces attempting to thwart the power of the LORD from penetrating the spiritual darkness and filling the city with God’s presence. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by Tom Alexander on April 13th, 2022

The “Circuit Cross Walker” And Large Cross Beneath The Circuit Rider Memorial.

I couldn’t help but smile as I posed with the large cross beneath The Circuit Rider memorial, which commemorates “the labors and achievements of the ministers of the Gospel, who as circuit riders became the friends, counselors and evangels to the pioneers on every American frontier and symbolic of the many missionaries who came to Oregon.”

God is greater than all the demonic and humanic forces which tried to destroy the city of Portland in 2020 and the Satanic forces of evil that have attempted to keep Salem and especially the state’s political leaders in bondage to lawlessness and corruption. What He was doing now in these and other cities proves His great love for the state’s four million residents.

Of course, I will return to Oregon. This modern-day “circuit cross walker” understands that we must constantly pray for and lift up the people of America and its 50 states, else Satan and his demonic and humanic minions will try hard to undermine the work of God.

But now it was time to journey to northern California and to a city that I have also cross walked and prayed long and hard for three times. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by Tom Alexander on April 12th, 2022

Reaching Entire Cities For God.

America’s revival is our ongoing mission. After taking the 10-foot, 60-pound cross to all 50 state capitals and states between 2015 and 2020 and praying hard and long at each capital, God had directed us to begin taking the cross to America’s major cities.

Response in each state has been awesome. We have seen some mighty miracles take place in these capitals.

We most certainly expect this will also be the case as we journey to our nation’s largest and major cities the next few years and pray for Great Revival, Great Awakening and Great Godly Sorrow that results in True Repentance and New Life In Christ to break out across the natioin!


After visiting our granddaughter, her husband and our two great grandkiddos for a few days in Corvallis, wife Jeanette stayed behind as I journeyed to Portland (some 75 miles north) to pray (once again) for Oregon’s largest city and its 650,000 souls (metro population is 2.2 million souls).

Read The 2020 Cross Walk Story On Portland And You Will See A Burned Out City Hall Building, Compared To Now.

This is the forth time since 2016 that I’ve brought the large cross to Portland.

The first place that I pray at is City Hall. In 2020 downtown Portland was the site of three months of nonstop violence and destruction against police and businesses. (You can read those stories on this site as well.) But in 2021 and now, things have changed! God finally said, “Enough is enough!” to the demonic forces influencing large groups of Antifa and lawless individuals.

Because the people of Portland prayed and asked God to intervene, He did! Now, I was back once more to see how the city was, as well as asking God to continue encouraging the Christians of Portland to pray for their city’s revival.

This four hour cross walk was awesome. Many asked for prayer. usually, I would go up to individuals and see if they needed prayer. But this time, they were all coming up to me.

Police Building Remains Boarded Up In 2022. But There Are No Longer Nightly Riots And Destruction Downtown.

Especially at the once-besieged Police Bureau Building, I hoisted the cross upright and prayed hard and long for the continuing safety of Portland’s Thin Blue Line. This huge building had also been burned out by violent demonstrators and rioters in 2020.

There is no doubt that God took this city back from those who would see its utter ruin and destruction. This happened because the people of Portland finally decided that they were bigger and stronger than those who chose to destroy the city. God honored them, and through His mighty power, rebuked the forces of evil and darkness hovering over Portland and also ushered out from the city those individuals who were bent on bringing this beautiful city to utter ruin. Amen!


Free Oregon Tent Revival Taking Place At The Capitol!

Salem, the capital of Oregon, was next!

As I loaded up the large cross on Go-Ye-Mobile-2, people kept stopping and asking what I was doing. I was happy to take the extra time to share what I why I was at the Capitol. But my mind was now on Salem.

This would be my fourth time in Salem as well. Just 40 miles south of Portland, I arrived around 1 P.M. Taking a short break for lunch, I was anxious to see what God had done since November, 2021, the last time I had walked the cross here.

He had done a lot!! Read the rest of this entry »