
A beautiful city with two major rivers, the American and the Sacramento, flowing through its land.

Sacramento, California. The first of fifty state capitals Street Evangelist Tom Alexander plans to bring the large cross to and pray hard and long for great revival and great godly sorrow to break out among the people of America. Cross Walk America: Pray USA is a five year mission to visit all fifty state capitals and major cities of America. Sacramento is a beautiful city with a population of over 500,000 souls. As California’s state capital, this is where state laws are made, and where revival must begin for the Golden State’s 39,000,000 souls to personally experience salvation in Jesus Christ and to turn back to the living God.

On September 10 I traveled 300 miles north from Bakersfield (my home town) and checked into my motel room in the mid-town area of Sacramento just after noon. After freshening up a bit, I unloaded the 10-foot, 60-pound cross and began cross walking this large residential/mid-town area. As I walked west on N Street,  I audibly put on and took up the complete armor and armaments of God, described in the 6th chapter of Ephesians and then spiritually ate the fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5. Spiritual warfare is very real, and the spiritual panoply and fruit are essential in the battle against the evil one for precious and lost, confused and blinded souls.



“Lord, let this fellowship be Your spiritual heartlight, porch light, torchlight and spotlight, attracting and drawing the unsaved to You.”

The response to the large cross was diverse. Walking the cross throughout both residential and business areas, I would stop at street corners, hoist the cross upright and pray for the people living and working in those areas, that they all know who Jesus Christ really is and accept Him as their Savior. People would come up and ask what I was doing. When I shared that I was praying for the people of Sacramento, the majority of these men, women and even children would nod their heads and smile, then thank me.

As is my custom, I also hoist the cross upright at every church I pass and pray that great revival breaks out from inside the fellowship and flows freely and powerfully throughout that neighborhood, and that each fellowship realizes that it is God’s spiritual heartlight, porch light, torchlight and spotlight designed by God to attract and draw people like light attracts flies to a light bulb. And, if the people won’t come to them, then the church must go to them, acting as a torchlight and spotlight in its community. Read the rest of this entry »