Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed out of the hand of the enemy.
(Psalm 107:2).
I am a born-again Christian, a third day believer. This wasn’t always the case for me. Like the majority of religious and nonreligious people, I had no clue whatsoever that I was completely selfish and self-absorbed, The purpose of my life was to be the purpose of everyone else’s life. I was totally caught up in the “me, myself and I” syndrome.
Then came prison.
At age 22 and as I sat in a crowded jail cell, I felt no remorse at all that I had gone on a state-to-state rampage, first robbing a bank in my hometown of Texas City, Texas and escaping by the skin of my teeth, and then robbing people at gunpoint in their homes throughout California cities and towns, until finally being busted in the northern coastal city of Monterey. Read the rest of this entry »