As shared in Part Three, meeting up with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) summer missionaries during July’s Alaska Cross Walk was quite a blessing and inspiration. Much like the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) staff and students I had met during the Hawaii Cross Walk in May, I found these young adults to be on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ.
These CRU summer missionaries took up the 10-foot cross naturally and with a zeal and excitement in Christ that expressed to all around them their love for God. Since the Alaska Cross Walk, I have made Facebook friends with many of these young people, just as I did with the YWAMers in Honolulu. I understand just how important it is for God to raise up a new generation of street evangelists, street preachers and street missionaries who are not afraid to share their faith in Christ with any and all people they meet on the streets—or anywhere else for that matter.
These young missionaries were the real thing! And as much as I would have loved to spend another week in Juneau just to fellowship with these young people and walk the cross with them throughout the capital city’s neighborhoods and streets, this would be my last day in Juneau. Read the rest of this entry »