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CROSS WALK ALASKA Part Four: My Last Day In The Last Frontier

Posted by Tom Alexander on August 15th, 2019

There is no stronger witness for Jesus than youth and young adults who are aflame and on fire and with a readiness to share God’s Good News to all.

As shared in Part Three, meeting up with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) summer missionaries  during July’s Alaska Cross Walk was quite a blessing and inspiration. Much like the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) staff and students I had met during the Hawaii Cross Walk in May, I found these young adults to be on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ.


These CRU summer missionaries took up the 10-foot cross naturally and with a zeal and excitement in Christ that expressed to all around them their love for God. Since the Alaska Cross Walk, I have made Facebook friends with many of these young people, just as I did with the YWAMers in Honolulu. I understand just how important it is for God to raise up a new generation of street evangelists, street preachers and street missionaries who are not afraid to share their faith in Christ with any and all people they meet on the streets—or anywhere else for that matter.

These young missionaries were the real thing! And as much as I would have loved to spend another week in Juneau just to fellowship with these young people and walk the cross with them throughout the capital city’s neighborhoods and streets, this would be my last day in Juneau. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by Tom Alexander on August 1st, 2019

I have been to 41 states and state capitals, but I fell in love with this city and its people. God has blessed this entire area with captivating terrain and beauty.


God’s number one goal for me whenever I walk the cross in any state and especially at each state capital is for me to hoist that 10-foot, 60-pound cross upright at that state’s capitol mall and pray hard and long for every elected official, and especially its governor and state senators and representatives.

God isn’t concerned about that elected official’s political party. Rather, He is very interested in the heart of that state official. Because if  that elected official’s heart isn’t right with God, the people will suffer, and there will be chaos and confusion in that state.

No matter the state, my prayer is always the same: “LORD God Almighty, bless these elected officials with the knowledge of Your will for their lives, and let them make decisions that glorify You and Your righteousness. If they are not willing to govern in righteousness and truth, replace them with those who will.”


Praying hard and long for Alaska’s elected officials at the capitol building.

The Alaska capitol building’s main entrance was under repair, so I walked slightly to the side of the entrance, hoisted the large cross upright by the replica Liberty Bell and prayed for Governor Mike Dunleavy, that (1) his heart would be right with God concerning every decision he makes, no matter what it would take; (2) that he would listen to God’s promptings, as well as being sensitive to the needs and the wishes of the people; and (3) that Governor Dunleavy would be a witness of God’s great love and concerned for all the people of Alaska.

As is my custom, I prayed at each entrance, asking the living God to pour out His Spirit of Righteousness upon all elected individuals and throughout the entire political arena of the state of Alaska, and that each would give their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray loud and long, and people do stand around and listen as I pray. After praying, I always beckon onlookers to come over so I can share why I am praying, as well as the purpose of the cross walk. Often, I get to pray with men and women who have been praying for their elected leaders and their state for years, and who are very happy to join with me in prayer. Such was the case in Juneau. Read the rest of this entry »