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Cross Walk America: PRAY USA California/Mexico Border Cross Walk

Posted by Tom Alexander on October 29th, 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter a special and successful cross walk in San Diego the day before, I drove Go-Ye-Mobile-2 (GYM-2) to the huge Outlets At The Border shopping complex in the border town of San Ysidro and parked just a few feet from the long and tall border fence.  After unstrapping the cross from the truck’s bed rack, I hoisted the cross on my shoulder and walked up the pedestrian walkway on my way to the border check-in station.

From the very start, people passing by on the walkway waved or said, “Praise the Lord,” or looked with awe or puzzlement as to what was going on. The atmosphere was filled with the Holy Spirit’s presence, and I couldn’t help but think how great it was to be able to lug the heavy cross up the walkway and across the I-5 overpass and toward the high border wall separating two countries from each other.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was drizzling, and the light rain felt good as I made my way to the new pedestrian crossing into Mexico. The San Ysidro/Mexico border crossing is our country’s busiest land border crossing. The new crossing opened in August, 2015, and serves over 22,000 southbound crossers a day into the Mexican city of Tijuana. The area around the pedestrian border crossing is very busy and I was excited that hundreds of Americans and Mexicans would see the large cross.

The pedestrian walkway from where I was parked to the border entrance is slightly uphill and I felt the extra downward pull of gravity as I walked up to the Interstate 5’s overpass and toward the pedestrian crossing. But nothing was going to stop this cross walk! I knew God had some great plans for this day.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs I reached this huge conglomeration of  men, women and children heading into or out of Mexico, I hoisted the 10-foot, 60-pound cross right in the middle of the busy rotunda and prayed for all the people passing by. This is a very security-minded area. Border Patrol agents came up to me and asked what I was doing. After sharing that I was praying for both nations, and for their safety as well, and that I was headed toward the entrance of the pedestrian border crossing, a supervisor shared, “We usually don’t allow anyone to take large objects to the border entrance. But you can go on up this time and take care of God’s business.”

I shook their hands and thanked each one for their service to our country, then continued praying for all the people passing by.

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Cross Walk America: PRAY USA San Diego Cross Walk

Posted by Tom Alexander on October 23rd, 2015

8156204078_2792f53d35_b (2)San Diego! The nation’s eighth largest city and California’s second biggest, with a population of some 1,300,000 souls. A beautiful city that is about 20 miles from the California/Mexico border.

The economy of San Diego is influenced by its deepwater port, which includes the only major submarine and shipbuilding yards on the West Coast. 

San Diego also hosts the largest naval fleet in the world. About 5 percent of all civilian jobs in the county are military-related, and 15,000 businesses in San Diego County rely on Department of Defense contracts.

Military bases in San Diego include US Navy facilities, Marine Corps bases, and Coast Guard stations. The city is home to the majority of the U.S. Pacific Fleet’s surface combatants, all of the Navy’s West Coast amphibious ships and a variety of Coast Guard and Military Sealift Command vessels.


506b8012bced2.preview-621San Diego is also a strategic city for the Mexican drug cartels to smuggle their narcotics and other mind, body and soul poisons into America. Just a few miles south of San Diego is the busiest border crossing in our country, the San Ysidro/Tijuana border crossing.

Although I would be cross walking at the border the next day, as I parked Go-Ye-Mobile-2 (GYM-2) in a large downtown residential area of San Diego, my thoughts were on these Mexican drug cartels that have found elaborate and elusive ways to smuggle marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin across or even beneath our border with Mexico throughout this border area.

As I unloaded the 10-foot, 60-pound cross, excitement and expectation filled my spirit with great joy and faith. Today I would walk the cross in an area where thousands of residents and tourists would see the cross.

Placing the heavy cross on my right shoulder, I audibly declared to the Lord of the Harvest, “Today, I am Your mule.  As I walk the cross, I ask You to turn it into Your great spiritual plow and break up the hardened, stony and thorny grounds of people’s hearts and expose the good ground so Your Good Seed, the Word of salvation, can be sown, set, germinate and sprout up unto eternal life in the hearts and lives of thousands…for Your glory and honor. Lord, let this take place not only in the lives of the people living in San Diego, but prepare the hearts of those living in Tijuana as well. Let today’s cross walk be for Your glory and honor…and let tomorrow’s cross walk at the border transform the lives of those living in Tijuana as well! In Jesus Name I ask You for all this. Amen!” Read the rest of this entry »