This Is The Four Step Plan God Gives Believers To Use In Reaching Entire Cities For Jesus The Messiah.

The August 31, 2020 cross walk and prayer vigil throughout downtown Portland revealed just how satanically entrenched the downtown area was. Praying very hard against both the evil satanic forces hovering over the city as well as the lawless humanic forces used by Satan to steal, kill and destroy the very heart and soul of this city, I knew I’d be back again to pray hard and long when the LORD said, “Go!”

In the meantime, I would continue to pray regularly for the 660,000 souls living in Portland and that Great Revival and Great Awakening would breakout in due season.

On my 74th birthday, November 16, 2021, the LORD of warrior hosts sent me, once again, to this largest city in Oregon.

Arriving in Portland from Corvallis (where we were again visiting our granddaughter and two great grandchildren), and as I stepped out of Go-Ye-Mobile-2, I felt a distinct difference than from my last cross walk and prayer vigil in August, 2020.

Back then, the satanic oppression on the streets was very apparent and heavy. But now…it felt as if the oppression had been lifted and was no longer there.


Satanic Forces Are Scattered And Shattered As We Pray And Ask God To Send Forth A Holy Firestorm Of His Omnipotent Power.

People were smiling. They were greeting me in a way that they hadn’t back in 2020. Even before I started walking the large cross, individuals were coming up and talking with me as I unloaded the 10-foot, 60-pound cross from the truck.

The Enemy may launch a relentless assault against a city and its residents and mount a powerful and destructive offensive against law and order in an attempt to transform that city into a lawless, scofflawic wasteland, but because God does hear the prayers of His people, He will eventually mount a more powerful counteroffensive against the stealthic forces of evil and darkness.

And that’s when the spiritual tide turns!

As I lifted then lowered the heavy cross to my right shoulder, I knew for certain that God had done a mighty work the past few months! All because of His great love for the people of Portland. And all because so many of God’s people were in ongoing, relentless combat prayer for Portland!


City Hall Was No Longer Boarded Up And Under Heavy Siege.

I was anxious to see His mighty work and powerful acts of ridding the entrenched city of  the heavy satanic oppression that had been so malignant and disturbing during the August 2020 cross walk. Heading for City Hall, I began to praise the LORD for His great power and mercy to the people of Portland and for answering the prayers of His people.

Back in August, 2020 Satan was taking the war to the people of Portland, a warfare that they were not prepared for and, perhaps, didn’t understand. Yet because of His praying people, God Himself eventually took the war to Satan and his demonic minions. And when God decides to go to war, He always wins!

Hoisting the cross upward and gently slamming it to the cement walkway at City Hall, I continued to praise God for His wonderful acts and works of mercy and grace to the people of Portland. I prayed that He would continue to reveal Himself strong to all City workers and elected officials, and to replace those officials who would continue to war against Him in spite of His goodness to the city.

My next destination would be what I consider the most important stop of every cross walk.


The First Story Of The Police Building Was No Longer Boarded Up.

Portland’s Thin Blue Line had suffered greatly during the nightly nonstop downtown attacks in 2020. Elected officials had ordered the police force to stand down and not arrest looters and rioters. Portland’s mayor and some of its Council Members were calling for defunding the police force. The huge Police Bureau building was boarded up tight, and morale among the officers was low.

In August, 2020 when I cross walked the downtown area, police officers had been attacked ninety night’s straight as they responded to looting,  breaking and entering and fires started by anarchists, Antifa and other lawless individuals.

My prayer then was that God would send forth a thick blue line of angelic warriors to surround the City’s Thin Blue Line and keep Portland’s police officers safe from all harm as they protected the city and its citizens.

On November 16, and as I approached the police station, I noticed that the first floor of the building was no longer boarded up tight, although the glass windows had been painted grey to match the color of the building. Groups of young adults were no longer milling about,  and there was a distinct peace that filled the air.

As I hoisted the cross upright and began praying, police officers came out and greeted me.

I prayed for a long time, pausing momentarily as the door would open and police officers appeared. One officer thanked me for praying and then said, “I guess you heard that the City is going to hire an additional 200 police officers!” I nodded my head. “That is so great!

God is great. From seriously considering defunding the police force in 2020 to deciding to hire an additional 200 Thin Blue Line officers in 2021! The City’s elected officials had come to their senses. The people of Portland had seen to that by protesting and voicing their concerns.


Sadly, Portland’s Homeless Problem Continues To Grow.

God’s grace is amazing. His love is astounding. And His power is more than omnipotent! Although Portland still has many problems to solve and its homeless population continues to grow, God answered the prayer of His people and the city is rebounding from the relentless attack and assault  by satanic and humanic forces in 2020.

Portland is a very beautiful city with a mighty river running through its heartland and there are many great people who love the LORD living there. They prayed. Churches and fellowships met together and prayed. People living outside the state of Oregon prayed. And God answered our combined prayers!

But as we all know, the evil one will attempt to find weak links in the city again. He will endeavor to raise up humanic forces intent on promoting lawlessness and anarchy by monetarily bribing and seducing those who are willing to be used as pawns to do the devil’s bidding.

So we must keep on praying against these forces of darkness—not only in Portland but in other  cities across Oregon as well. We must continue to ask the LORD to bring Great Revival, Great Awakening and Great Godly Sorrow that creates true heart-repentance to Portland, to Salem, to other Oregon cities—and, most definitely, to other American cities as well!

In 2022, our continuing mission in Christ is to join the LORD of warrior hosts and do exactly that. Amen.