Articles By Tom Alexander May 19th, 2010Glory Hallelujah, look what God is doing all across the land of California! After a successful cross-walk mission in Pasadena, I traveled some fifty miles east to San Bernardino, a beautiful city that, on this day, was drenched by a pouring rain. But the Cross Walker loves to walk in the rain. Parking about one block from City Hall and the main downtown area, I unstrapped the large cross from the cab and bed of my “go-ye-mobile.” Already people began to gawk and look upon the scene of an evangelist getting ready to tote a large cross throughout their streets.
Love the rain. As I headed toward the main street of downtown San Bernardino, city workers asked me questions about what I was doing. I gladly shared with them my mission: to present the cross of Jesus Christ as God’s plus sign to the men, women and children living in San Bernardino; to proclaim the name above all names, the name of Jesus Christ, to all people; and to pray in the name of Jesus Christ for their city. My mission: to kick-start a great revival in this city, so men, women and children would come to the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
Car horns began to sound and people began to shout out the mighty name of Jesus as I passed them by. It was so special to hear the sound of His name so early in the day. As I approached the very large county Courthouse, people began to smile. Hoisting the large cross upright, I asked the God of Justice to have mercy on those who were now facing human judges. I asked the Lord to bring those who were guilty to justice, and then to Jesus! I pray aloud, and I could hear the “Amens” sound as I brought my intercessory prayers to the Lord.
I prayed for the salvation of all the judges, courtroom personnel and all law enforcement officials, that each one comes to the Lord and accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. I asked the Lord of glory to give moms and dads His comfort as their sons and daughters faced the music for crimes they had committed against society and against Him. I spake these words loud, and I could hear amens uttered by people standing close by.
Before leaving the Courthouse area, I spoke with several men and women who were standing nearby. They thanked me for praying for their city and then directed me to the large City Hall and Police Station. As I walked to these two important battlefields, a city worker approached and asked if he could pray with me for the city. Of course I said yes, and asked him to pray. He did, and the Spirit of the living God fell afresh on that place, even as his fellow workers (like those in Pasadena) watched and listened in awe.
This city worker left with a new song in his heart, and with renewed faith and love for the Lord. No doubt, he felt the love and joy of God in his spirit. He also donated a special and generous gift to Cross Walk California, that would help pay motel costs at the next city I visited.
I hoisted the cross at City Hall and prayed long and hard for the mayor and all council members. Like many cities, a fear of losing their job was on the mind of each city worker I spoke with. To that end, I prayed, asking God to provide this city with the revenue necessary to keep its employees working. I also asked God to send the Spirit of revival upon San Bernardino and save the souls of all its citizens. The Spirit fell, and the power of prayer took over.
I rebuked the satanic principalities, powers dominions and spiritual hosts of wickedness that hover over every city, and sent them to the place Jesus sends them, to the abyss. In place of these forces of evil, I asked the Lord of hosts to send forth His mighty angelic warriors, helpers, protectors and fighters throughout the city and in every area of greater San Bernardino. I asked God to take back that which is lawfully His, and to tear down satanic strongholds. In their place, I asked Jesus to build His towers of truth and send out the flood waters of mighty revival. The presence of the Lord was strong, and I knew He had answered my prayers.
I then walked the cross to the large Police Department building, hoisted it upright, and prayed long and hard for every police officer working for this city, that the divine Protector keeps these men and women safe, that He brings each and every one to Jesus, and that He shows them all His amazing love in Christ Jesus. The peace of God fell, and several officers came out and thanked me for praying for them all.
Afterwards, I walked the downtown area, asking the God of salvation to convict, convince and convert each and every man, woman and child and bring them into His kingdom of light. The rain fell gently, and so did God’s Holy Spirit upon the hearts and souls of men, women, boys and girls. Shekinnah glory is like no other, and God’s presence filled the places I walked. I asked the Lord of the harvest to transform the large cross into a mighty plow and plowshare, and to use it as His tool to break up the fallow ground of hearts, to turn up the hard, thorny and stony ground and to expose the good ground of the hearts (which all have), so that His good seed, the Word, would find place to set, germinate and grow.
Wow, the Lord answered my prayer. As I ended this cross walk, I knew that San Bernardino would never be the same, because of the cross walk, and because of the men and women who joined me in prayer for their city. As I loaded up the cross, I couldn’t help but think just how wonderful it would be if hundreds of cross walkers would bring the cross to the streets of hundreds of cities at the same time. Just think what the God of glory could do with such dedicated plowers and sowers of His almighty Word. Amen and amen.
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