Grace isn’t just a salvation gift of unmerited favor from God. It is also a divine Holy Spirit empowerment and enduement that gives believers both the desire and ability to do God’s will.

The 10-foot, 60-pound cross was now constructed. Home Depot in Juneau became part of the Alaska cross walk when the hardware store allowed me to build the cross inside their premises. As mentioned in Part One, two employees even helped in the construction of the cross!

A “Godincidence” took place immediately after I walked the cross to outside the store’s exit. To my complete surprise, a taxi drove up at the very moment I left the store. You can read about this genuine and awesome angelic encounter in Part One.  And, although I have had two other powerful encounters with LORD Sabaoth’s “ministering spirits sent by God to aid those who are heirs to salvation” (Hebrews 1:14), this “angelicophany,” or visible manifestation of an angel of God, was completely unexpected.

But this is so God! And this is God’s grace to His people in time of great need. I was willing to walk the cross seven miles to my downtown hotel room. But God knew I needed His help. SO HE SENT THAT HELP.


At Home Depot and getting ready to transport the large cross to my downtown motel.

Jeanetta was the taxi cab driver. Told her my wife’s name was Jeanette and she smiled really big. As we drove toward the motel, Jeanetta shared that she was 69-years-old, had just lost her husband two years previously, and to keep herself busy she took up driving a taxi fourteen hours a day, five days a week. On the weekends, she visited her grandchildren.

Of course, we talked about the young man she had dropped off at Home Depot. “He was an angel, you know.” Jeanetta’s voice quivered with excitement mixed with reverent fear. “He told me he was supposed to meet someone at Home Depot.” I was still caught up in the Spirit, so I just listened. “God must really be with you,” Jeanetta continued. “And you have come here to pray for our city and state. That’s awesome!”

Jeanetta did most of the talking as we drove to my downtown hotel. I was very content just to take in everything that had taken place, a big smile on my “faith.” We reached my motel, unloaded the cross in the middle of the busy street, and I reached in my pocket to pay her. “It’s already taken care of,” she informed me, her smile just getting bigger and bigger. “You are doing more for our city than what money can buy.” I stood speechless, smiling all the while. “God bless you with a very successful mission.” With that, Jeanetta jumped into her cab and took off.

Franklin Street is Juneau’s main street. It was overflowing with traffic. But I just stood there in awe.


This hotel is listed in the city’s historical registry and is well-known and well-occupied throughout the year.

Vehicles stood still as I gathered my thoughts. I finally lifted the cross to my shoulder and walked into my motel. The sidewalk was busy. “That’s a big cross,” I heard several times as I maneuvered the cross into the motel lobby. Two long flights of stairs to my room, but no problem.

I then went downstairs and across the street to purchase the daily newspaper. Each city’s newspaper helps me keep up with that city and state and shows me what I need to pray about concerning the people living in that state.

“Where’s my cross?” Mike asked. The 10-foot, 60-pound cross was nestled safely in my room.

As I returned to the hotel, a familiar voice happily shouted out, “Where’s my cross?”

I had met Mike when checking in fourteen hours earlier that previous night. Mike is the manager of the hotel. After assigning me a room, Mike had offered me a Gideon’s Bible.

I smiled and showed him mine. Both he and  a young employee smiled really big.  As I shared with the two why I was in Juneau and that I would be constructing in the morning a 10-foot, 60-pound cross, the presence of the LORD filled the lobby. They both were thrilled and happy as can be and said they couldn’t wait to see the cross.

The sign really captured the attention of everyone I passed and/or met. The message quite clear: walking and praying in the name of Jesus for everyone living in The Last Frontier.

And so, when I had come back into the lobby after getting the newspaper, that is why Mike had asked where “his” cross was. TAKING OWNERSHIP OF THE CROSS WALK. How cool is that?

Throughout my 5-day stay, motel employees as well as guests were always quick to see if I needed help bringing the cross upstairs to my room or taking it downstairs and into the street. I always let them help, of course. This is how they, too, could take ownership of the cross walk.

No doubt, both employees and guests will always remember that big old rugged cross making its way up or down two long flights of stairs with their help. Amen.

This was early afternoon on Wednesday. I had arrived Tuesday night. It was raining in Juneau.

God’s grace was raining down, too! I could see and feel both types of rain. I was very tired but also felt very strong and invigorated. For a moment I thought about cross walking, but then the LORD of the Harvest whispered softly, “Tomorrow.”

In Part Three: The Cross Walk Begins.