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CROSS WALK HAWAII (Part Four) Waikiki Beach Part Two—The Cross Walk With YWAM Staffers

Posted by Tom Alexander on June 26th, 2019

YWAM staffers, Billy, Ethan, Jessie and Paul load up the cross in preparation for the three mile journey to Waikiki Beach.

The Friday morning solo cross walk of Waikiki Beach was awesome, and I especially liked the opportunity of walking the cross all the way back to the YWAM base after cross walking Waikiki.  After the three hour Waikiki Beach cross walk, the trek back to the Base was a very long and uphill 3-mile cross walk. But I made it! And this also gave me the opportunity to pray for many individuals as I walked that long trek back to the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) base.

Because the University of Hawaii  wasn’t far from the WYAM base, the walk back gave me the opportunity to walk throughout the large college and pray for Great Awakening and Great Revival to breakout among the popular college’s 18,000 students.


Saturday came fast. Loading up the cross on the SUV (like a surfboard), four YWAM staff members—Billy, Ethan, Jessie and Paul—and I headed for Waikiki Beach and a little early morning cross walking safari.  Dawn Patrol for Jesus! Other YWAMers would meet up with us later. I was looking forward to watching these young missionaries walk the cross and pray for their city.  Although my body and muscles were still tired from the extremely long cross walk the day before, their energy and enthusiasm quickened my spirit. And besides that, I knew they would be toting the 60-pound cross instead of me!

Of course, the first thing we did was walk the cross back out to the end of a different jetty than Friday’s cross walk, hoist the 60-pound, 10-foot cross upright, and ask God to send forth Great Revival and Great Awakening throughout the entire state of Hawaii. As the warm waves crashed against the cement jetty just below our feet, I could feel the power of God surge like a mighty ocean wave and sweep across the Bay. Today, the Shekinah Glory and Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ would be displayed mightily throughout Waikiki Beach and Honolulu.


YWAM staff member Paul Harder walking the cross down the Waikiki Beach boardwalk.

Billy, Ethan, Jessie and Paul all took turns walking the cross along the crowded beach boardwalk. Usually I’m the one toting the cross, so this gave me the opportunity to observe individual’s reactions. I must say that the majority of people smiled and said very positive things about the sight of a large cross being carried by these young missionaries.

I handed out 2-sided tracts about the cross walk to people passing by. A young woman (who was a flight attendant) and her mom from Norway just couldn’t believe the sight. We talked several minutes about the cross walk. Both are Christians, and their joy in Christ was very apparent. The mom kept saying, “You need to do this in Norway!”

After praying with them for Great Revival to break out here as well as Norway, I caught up with the cross walkers, who seemed to be enjoying this Saturday morning prayer walk. Both the beach and the boardwalk were full of vacationers, tourists and residents, and the YWAMers were busy handing out tracts and talking to individuals about Jesus the Messiah.

There isn’t any doubt at all that the living God was smiling as He looked down from Heaven at the sight of these young missionaries taking turns walking the cross and sharing their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ with men, women and children who need to know that Jesus is the only way, truth and life! Read the rest of this entry »

CROSS WALK HAWAII (Part Three): Waikiki Beach Part One—The Solo Walk

Posted by Tom Alexander on June 20th, 2019

Waikiki Bay and Beach. A great day to walk the cross and talk about the first Water Walker.

State and state capital #40.

The entire time (eight days) I was in Honolulu I never had the time or the opportunity to get wet! Just too busy walking the cross and praying for the entire state of Hawaii. BUT…I did get to go to Waikiki Beach on two days. Both days were for cross walking and sharing God’s Good News about Jesus Christ to the endless hordes of residents, vacationers and tourists who were able to jump into the beautiful and crystal blue waters of Waikiki Bay.

Day one at Waikiki Beach was a solo walk. Billy Kyllonen, director of School Of Ministry and Evangelism (SOME) for Honolulu WYAM, was kind enough to load up the cross atop his SUV and drive me to Waikiki Beach.


Praying at Waikiki Beach for Honolulu’s 400,000 souls, as well as Hawaii’s 1.5 million souls,

As a former surfer, I was naturally drawn to the beauty of Waikiki Beach’s pristine and clear waters as well as the large manmade jetty. And, of course, I had every intention of walking the cross to the end of the jetty, hoisting it upright, and praying for Honolulu’s 400,000 souls—and that’s exactly the first thing I did!

Scores of beachgoers stopped what they were doing and watched as I walked the cross to the end of the jetty, probably wondering what in the world was going on. The first thing that struck me was the smiles on the faces of all these sun bathers and swimmers as I slowly walked the cross.

Time seemed to stand still as I walked to the end of the jetty, hoisted the cross upright and prayed for Great Revival and Great Awakening to break out throughout Waikiki Beach, Honolulu and all of Hawaii. I prayed loud and long, and I sensed that many people were not only watching, but they were listening as well.


As is my custom, I pointed the cross North, then East, then West, and finally South (Good NEWS) as I prayed, asking God Almighty to send forth His Shekinah Glory, Resurrection Power and Spirit of Grace & Supplication throughout the Hawaiian Islands and bring thousands of souls to Him.

This vacationing Christian couple from Tennessee prayed loud and long for Hawaii’s 1.5 million souls.

After praying I spoke with several people about the cross walk and why I was here. A Christian couple from Tennessee  approached me and asked if they could take pictures of themselves with the cross. Of course. Then I asked if they would join me in praying for Hawaii’s 1.5 million souls. They readily agreed. Both the husband and the wife prayed powerfully and sincerely for Hawaii. What was so awesome is that they also prayed loud and long as well.

We had a great time afterwards, talking about the Lord and the fact that I had walked the cross in Tennessee and its state capital the previous year.  People from Tennessee are very friendly, and we had a wonderful time fellowshipping. Read the rest of this entry »