This wonderful family from Alabama and I prayed together for our nation and for its political leaders.

After praying hard and long for America’s 850,000 Thin Blue Line law enforcement officers, I loaded up the 10-foot, 60-pound cross and headed for The White House.

Parking at Constitution Garden and near the huge Washington Monument, I ate a small snack and then began the short walk to the White House. I wasn’t tired but knew it was important to eat as well as hydrate.

The Washington Monument is the tallest stone structure in the world at 555 feet. After resting a few minutes and enjoying the beauty of the National Mall surroundings, I lowered the cross to my right shoulder and headed toward my destination.

At the park a family from Alabama greeted me and I shared the purpose of the cross walk. Each one wanted a picture of them holding the large cross, and it was quite a joy to see their enthusiasm and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. We also prayed for America and for all three branches of the federal government—for great revival to break out among all our political leaders and lawmakers.


Believers Must Pray For This City Of 750,000 Souls, As Well As For Our National Leaders.

After a long chat,  I gave each of them the special two-sided tracts I had created for this particular cross walk. “If we don’t see you again, we will see you in heaven!” the father shouted out as they slowly walked away. “Yes! Here, there or in the air!” I answered back. All four smiled and the dad replied, “Hey, I’m going to use that!” I smiled and began walking toward the White House, a big smile on my faith. “God bless you brother,” the mom shouted out for all to hear.

It was quite refreshing and invigorating to spend time with this young Christian family. Though I didn’t know it, before this cross walk was over, I would meet and talk with many families similar to this one. Surprisingly, there are a lot of Christians living in this beautiful city and national capitol. And it was a pleasure meeting and talking with so many.

Waving and smiling at the people who walked or drove by, I quietly asked the LORD of the harvest to send forth such a powerful spirit of revival throughout the nation’s capitol that hundreds of thousands of souls, including America’s political leaders, would accept Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord.


A Beautiful Day To Pray For Our President And His Family And All White House Staff members And Employees.

I decided to walk around the White House and hoist the cross upright and pray long and hard at each major compass point, starting at the South Lawn side. In 2017 when I prayed here, the area was packed with visitors. But not today, thanks in part to the Corona virus.

A young mother with a baby in a stroller was taking pictures, while an older teenager sat on the concrete sidewalk and recharging his phone with a small solar panel, his custom bike parked against a water fountain. I greeted both and positioned the large cross next to the security fence.

After praying long and loud for the Executive branch of our government, I placed the cross against the fence and turned to talk with the young man. The mom and baby had left after a few minutes of listening to my prayer, a gentle “Thank you” escaping from her lips as she departed.

“How you today?” I asked the young man. He nodded. “As you could hear, I was praying for our president.” He smiled. “I like the way you prayed but I don’t like this president.” I moved closer to him and held out my hand. “My name is Tom.” We shook hands. “I’m Jeremy.” He finally smiled.


“Red, brown, yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight!”

“I understand,” I answered. “Some people like him, some don’t. That’s why I prayed the way I did.” Pausing, I handed Jeremy the special two-sided tract I hand out to everyone.

“Do you know who Jesus Christ is?” I asked. The young man nodded his head. “He is the Son of God.”

“I know this is a personal question, but is Jesus your Savior? Have you accepted Him as your Savior?” Without hesitation Jeremy nodded. “I’m a Christian,” he confessed. “I just don’t like the way this president acts.”

“That’s why we should be praying for him, don’t you think?” Jeremy nodded. “But he lies so much…”

“If you believe that, then that’s all the more reason you should be praying for him and his family.” “I guess you’re right.” Jeremy looked toward the White House, then continued. “I will pray for him, but I still have a problem with him.”

I smiled. “I really understand, and I want you to know that I will be praying for you. Not about how you feel about the president. I just want you to have peace in your heart no matter what. God loves you so much, Jeremy.” I paused. “I know you know this, but I just wanted to tell you before I go.” A big smile flashed across his face. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

Jeremy and I spoke a few more minutes and then I prayed with him—for his family, for him, and for his safety.

(Washington D.C. Cross Walk, Part Four  Will Be Published Soon.)